The current crisis means drastic changes in all our lives, large parts of business life are currently largely at a standstill.
Innosoft GmbH has reacted to the dangerous situation at an early stage and has taken far-reaching measures to protect the staff from the danger of an infection with the SARS-CoV‑2 virus and at the same time to be available for all customers and interested parties almost without restrictions. Until the situation has eased again, our employees are working in the home office. We have created the technical prerequisites for continuing the usual work processes via remote access and call forwarding at the home computer workstations in good time, so that all contact persons can still be reached via the usual communication channels.
This does not only apply to the development department, but the project managers as well as the headquarters and the support and sales departments will also continue to provide advice and support via the familiar channels. So far, there is no confirmed case of infection and no suspected case of illness with the so-called corona virus in our company. We want to do everything possible and necessary to keep it that way and hope that you and your families will be spared the worst effects of this crisis.
Stay healthy!
Your Innosoft GmbH